Sunday, August 8, 2010

What is Yahoo's problem with Grisoft?

Many people here ask what a good antivirus program is. I've worked as a web developer for 15 years and have experience in this, "the big players" like Norton/Symantec and MacAfee are extremely hard on a computer system and difficult to remove if there's a problem.

Grisoft AVG is hands-down the best AVG solution out there - it works, it's free, you get free daily updates, and it is light on a system. Whenever I attempt to post a link to it, I get some "error 999, your computer may be infected with a virus."

Yeah right. I have never had a virus on any computer on my network and my AVG works fine. So what's the deal, what does Yahoo have against a FREE antivirus solution that can be a great benefit to the average Windows user?

What is Yahoo's problem with Grisoft?free spyware remobal

Is no problem posting link to AVG's homepage.

The "Error 999" happens some times.

Yahoo says the 999 error is because your ISP and/or virus on your computer..

And as for Norton it's not as hard on the system.

The old versions (2004-2005) was but not anymore.

Norton Internet Security has never been hard on my computers.

Just configure it right and it an excellent security program.

What is Yahoo's problem with Grisoft?kawasaki

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