Friday, August 20, 2010

How can we detect and delete virus in our system without any antivirus?

how can we detect and delete virus in our system without any antivirus?any free ebooks on virus and antivirus?

How can we detect and delete virus in our system without any antivirus?virus

Article by lolita is very good, may be it will provide a good help.

Still I will add very small tips.

Look for tasks which are running from Task Manager, if you find tasks which are not initiated by you try to close this tasks.

Some tasks are critical and cannot be closed like svchost

If some task is closed and it reappears it means that this is sort of virus.

Viruses are very tricky they will keep lot of backups and disable your rights for accessing them.

msconfig32 is also one command which can be used from start -%26gt; to know what are the startup programs, you can judge by self by checking the details of these files by Right clicking properties and checking name etc in version tab. If you find reliable info, then keep the task else rename the file.

You can even check for services which are running in the background by Start-%26gt;Run-%26gt; Services.msc

Check for reliable services, else remove this services from registry.

It is really a cumbersome task, but not difficult, practice makes men (women also) perfect, after softwares are developed by human with some logics, above are the some logics, but what software does is, it check inside the file also, which can not be done by us, unless with some reverse engineering knowledge,

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