Sunday, August 8, 2010

My computer have an internet atack?

please help me before i use claimwin antivirus it is a free antivirus and now i change it for AVG antivirus but he take out 63 virus trojans and now i have a problem with the internet atack he go directly to the internet ultimate defender if some one know how can i stop that please help me

My computer have an internet atack?matchless

first delete all your cookies

old file etc

go to - tools - internet option - and clear history

and if you use router and you r conected to the net for 24 houres - so pull the router cable from the line socket for few min and be sure that you have got another ip

the way to know is very simple

go to this site and it will tell you what s your ip - write it on a paper - and after conecting again see that you got another ip

good luck

My computer have an internet atack?norton 2008

You should try use Avast!

Is good anti virus program, it updates each and every time, it protect your pc everyday, I use it and I trust Avast!

Download latest version, try it!
Do you live in the USA or a 3rd world country...............
u can use kelparsky anti virus .u can download it from net for free

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